By TCRII - 11/10/2017 22:30 - United States - Springfield

Today, my wife and I agreed to get two horses. She got three horses and a pregnant goat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 393
You deserved it 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair, you said two horses, which she got. You didn't say she couldn't get more than that.

coconutting101 6


To be fair, you said two horses, which she got. You didn't say she couldn't get more than that.

coconutting101 6

Maybe they're not rich at all and that's why he's mad.

or the animals are rescues and they live on a farm and he ends up doing mkst of the physical labour for the animals and now more then 2 horses is too much work.

Koios 30
Natasha Kinnear 9

You clearly didn't get the joke. A goat's babies are also named kids. There you go, please retake kindergarten if you ever get the chance.

Lobby_Bee 17

Don't cut them up until you eat them, that way they'll stay fresh longer.

The fact that she randomly got a pregnant goat as well makes me laugh--it just seems so random.

meh... They may have agreed on a maximum price, she found cheap horses and got a goat on that deal. Like they time I tried to sell my turtle to a pet shop, but they sold me a turtle that's too cheap for me to say no. Now, I have two.

That's why you should have agreed on one horse only