By NooOOooOO - 11/10/2017 23:15

Today, I learned how artistically talented my daughter is. Unfortunately, her favorite medium to work in is poo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 031
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Picasso had his Blue Period. Your daughter is clearly having her Poo Period.

I wonder how medium will impact style. I could imagine a tendency towards pointillism after eating corn.


exileonmainst 16

To work in or work with? Either way it's gross but the distinction is important.

Picasso had his Blue Period. Your daughter is clearly having her Poo Period.

"Poo period" sounds like something completely different (and even more disgusting, no less).

I wonder how medium will impact style. I could imagine a tendency towards pointillism after eating corn.

Lobby_Bee 17

If a blue canvas with a white line down the middle is considered artwork, I'm sure pretty much anything including shit itself can be one too.

Donut_Wizard 23

She could be the next Poocaso

Most art these days is shit — at least your daughter is literal.

She’ll be a modern art master in no time