By fuq - 22/05/2012 18:42 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, my wife allowed my mother-in-law to move in with us. She believes the government spies on her in the shower, and that the Prime Minister is a shape-shifting lizard who wants to microchip us all. I have to live with this psychotic wench until someone is desperate enough to employ her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 861
You deserved it 2 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stick one of the toy lizards on the shower wall.

i thought most politicians are shape shifting lizards.


that seriously sounds like paranoid schizophrenia you guys should really help get some help for that...

mrmerino 0

That sounds like the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Angelrose2004 17

#29, I find it very strange that you are talking about #3 and Noor. Yet, you end up commenting on #6. I'm confused as to why!?

That is super funny stuff! Enjoy it while it just your mother in law cause one day it'll be your wife acting that way!

This is your wife's mother, she needs you to help support the person who took care of her. Be supportive but set some limits and give her a time limit.

im_smart 0

LIFE LESSON: mother-in-laws suck....espechly bat shit crazy ones