By Bewildered - 10/09/2009 22:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my teenage son called me at work and started screaming abuse at me. He told me how he never wants to see me again and hopes I die a gruesome death. Why does he feel this way? I beat his high score on Bejewelled 2. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 627
You deserved it 8 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your son needs a life. :| Seriously, he sounds like one of those kids who think that video games are equivalent to real life in importance.

ViCT0RiA_fml 0

Wow, seriously #8? That's messed up. Why don't you tell your mother that.


zackmcguire91 0

don't play games competitively with the as$hole

Kharaman 0

I think someone needs a break from video games. Probably all electronics, for that matter.

He doesn't want to see you?? Fine. Tell him you expect him to move out ASAP. In the mean time, don't cook or clean for him. Don't have any food in the house. Put all his things in bags and boxes, next to the door. Give the little bitch what he's asking for!!!

Man, I want kids, but I never, ever want teenagers. Tell him to step his crappy game up if he wants to get all huffy about it. Either that or take a belt to his ass.


then don't do that. jeez. think people would realize by now that if they raised a kid to be a brat, that's what's to be expected. even if he is a teen, i place the blame squarely on your shoulders. YDI, and YD whatever gruesome death that was wished upon you. (since it's the internet and all, and you can't hear it, it's sarcasm at it's finest, in Gilbert Gottfried's voice)

Liviify24 0

I'm sure he wasn't that serious... I do that to my mom. JOKINGLY, and she understands and laughs.. He's probably just irritated.. or he's batshit crazy

yellowfdDriver 0

Remember that next time he wants you to buy him an iPhone or something. You'll give him something to really yell about.