By Melissa Barrios - 15/07/2019 16:00

Today, my son, who has ASD, told a woman how gigantic her butt was. While trying to remind him that some things are not nice to say, he screamed that her butt is the "giantest butt ever," like it was an accomplishment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 710
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is ASD also known as Sir Mix-a-Lot Syndrome? Symptoms include: 1) Likes big butts 2) Cannot lie

LadyRen 20

Hopefully you explained to the woman that he was special! (Or she could tell)


Is ASD also known as Sir Mix-a-Lot Syndrome? Symptoms include: 1) Likes big butts 2) Cannot lie

I happen to have ASD, myself. I just wanted to clarify that (in my case, at least) you're not wrong. :p

LadyRen 20

Hopefully you explained to the woman that he was special! (Or she could tell)

Lucky O'Guin 18

I hope she understood that he has ASD and that you didnt teach him to be rude.

That might've been him attempting to give a compliment. I'm autistic--some of the things I find interesting or cool about other people are things society scorns.