By Anonymous - 15/07/2019 14:00

Today, as revenge for a prank I played on him last week, my brother took things way too far and loaded my milkshake with so many chocolate laxatives, I’m now in hospital. I’ve had so much diarrhoea in the past few hours, I’m dangerously dehydrated and had to be put on a saline drip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 016
You deserved it 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you brought a knife to a gunfight.

That's the equivalent of saying : "don't be surprised you got stabbed, if you playfully swatted someone on the arm".


Looks like you brought a knife to a gunfight.

bobsanction 18

Don't start a war you aint prepared to win.

It's not fun, but think about how cleaned out you will be. It's like a detox :D

Well, since you're in the hospital, you have plenty of time to think of your killing stroke. Don't disappoint.

Mathalamus 24

You deserved that. Never, ever do any pranks unless you are prepared for just that.

That's the equivalent of saying : "don't be surprised you got stabbed, if you playfully swatted someone on the arm".

what 1

Most prank situations are for the most part in good fun, but when somebody ends up in the hospital I think it’s a little hard to say that person deserved it, the brother probably should have read the instructions on the laxatives

WaluigiKnuckles 5

what I want to know is what it was that you did that made him do that

Wow,that's a SHITTY way to get back at you for a prank. That must have been some prank! What did you do to him? We need answers!

Wow,that's a SHITTY way to get back at you for a prank. That must have been some prank! What did you do to him? We need answers!