By ProudASDmom - 30/03/2016 02:39 - Canada - Chilliwack

Today, my son's first impression of our new neighborhood was to be yelled at by the first kid he tried to introduce himself to, because my son was on the edge of their lawn. Half-an-hour later, I got a lecture at the corner store, because the clerk thinks vaccinations caused my son's autism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 027
You deserved it 1 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vaccines aren't bad! They prevent serious outbreaks of diseases. They dont cause autism!

I thought Canada was supposed to be nice?


As Someone on the Spectrum, I fully support having everyone get vaccinated. I would rather take may chances with the vaccines than with the diseases that the vaccines prevent.

i dont know if i just cant see it or.... but where does it say op is from canada?

It shows the country on the website (or it did the last time I checked). It used to show it on the mobile app too, but not since the last upgrade for some reason.

My adoptive dad grew up when Polio and measles were rampant in the US in the late 40's and early 50's. Many of his friends and classmates died or became crippled. Even if vaccines did cause autism, I would rather my kid have it than die or become crippled from a preventable disease. I do not want to witness the horrors my father witnessed.

I hope your child isn't discouraged from introducing himself to others now!

Whenever people are afraid to get their kids vaccinated for fear of autism I see it as very disrespectful against those with the disorder. They're basically saying they'd rather risk their child dying of a deadly disease than be autistic, which is just so wrong and nasty

I have seen anti-vaxxers say that on FB. They said that they would rather their kids die from the preventable disease because according to them there is nothing worse than a kid with autism who can't get married, has to have care for the rest of their life, or can't get a job.

Anti-vaxxers say all the time "i would rather my child be dead than deal with them". They even give them bleach enemas (no lie google kerri riveria) i think is how you spell it.

Considering disgusting groups like Autism $peaks have parents saying they want to murder their autistic children, either "to put them out of their misery" or to "end the burden" or some shit, I am not surprised. Ableist asshats think people on the spectrum are less than human, that we are mistakes that need to be fixed. This is horseshit. No, even horse shit has positive uses. But these people exist, gain money and support, are praised for it. The idea that dead is better than autistic isn't just a hyperbole, there are people who believe it.

sophie0908 16

beat the shit out of them, anyone who does that to a kid deserves it

This doesn't seem like a Canadian Fml... Especially after what the clerk said...

That's awful I'm sorry op, hope you meet more inviting people in your new home town

do you really need to stay there? those people don't sound very inviting or welcoming..and so rude, how dare she (was the clerk a woman?) utter any opinion about your private life without being asked! hope your other neighbors are really nice to make up for the first impression caused by the first two!