By ProudASDmom - 30/03/2016 02:39 - Canada - Chilliwack

Today, my son's first impression of our new neighborhood was to be yelled at by the first kid he tried to introduce himself to, because my son was on the edge of their lawn. Half-an-hour later, I got a lecture at the corner store, because the clerk thinks vaccinations caused my son's autism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 027
You deserved it 1 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vaccines aren't bad! They prevent serious outbreaks of diseases. They dont cause autism!

I thought Canada was supposed to be nice?


I have two kiddos on the spectrum, one showed signs super early on in life and my second son showed more significant signs little after 2years old. It never coincided with their vaccine schedule. Got to love the crazy people who believe anything they read on the interwebs lol. Op Im sorry that was your welcome to the area.... Awareness is all you can do, and stand up for your kiddo. As Im sure you do! From one mother with kiddo(s) on the spectrum to another, hug!

So did the clerk just assume your son was autistic? If kids were yelling at me for no reason, I'd be shocked first, too.

ASD stands for Autistic Spectrum Disorder. OP's username is ProudASDmom, meaning her son has Autism. If her son is low functioning, it is likely his Autism is visible.

Ok, thank you for that! I normally don't pay close attention to the names...

kittykittyrun 29

My son has nonverbal autism. Before he was diagnosed, my exes sister tried to tell me he would "catch" autism from watching too much tv.

LostInTheZone11 29

My philosophy on Anti-Vaxxers. It's your choice to not vaccinate, but you should be denied from a hospital for any treatment. Why should they waste their valuable resources from Big Pharma on people who hate Big Pharma?

clickme 17

Welcome Home! Lol. Sorry for you sometimes the craziest stuff happens first. It's bound to get better from here

As if a lecture was going to undo the damage if it were true. It's difficult enough as it is for the autist and parents alike.

If they say that again say "So then you got the shot I see?" And dont worry there must be some ups to that area

Didn't realise being vaccinated caused me to be different.