By Anonymous - 13/11/2018 13:30

Today, a few months after my son lost a canine tooth, he went to get a replacement fitted. He came home with his other canine tooth removed and both replaced by vampire fangs. Permanent vampire fangs in his mouth, where people can see them and judge me for being a bad parent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 893
You deserved it 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're first reaction is the fear of being judged by others (instead of finding out if he's really cool with this or if there's a reason for why he feels the need to undergo such a permanent change), then maybe you aren't the best parent around.

manb91uk 22

If he's an adult it's his choice.... Get over it


manb91uk 22

If he's an adult it's his choice.... Get over it

It seems like he was old enough to make this decision for himself. He's the one who will have to live with having vampire fangs for the rest of his life.

If you're first reaction is the fear of being judged by others (instead of finding out if he's really cool with this or if there's a reason for why he feels the need to undergo such a permanent change), then maybe you aren't the best parent around.

Normally I’d agree, but the idiot did get a perfectly fine tooth pulled in order to get fake vampire teeth, FFS.

That's actually even more of a reason to worry - if people's preferred visual representation of themselves differs in such a strong manner, there can be an actual identity crisis behind this. (Which would not surprise me, because if your parent's biggest concern is how others will judge them and you, that can easily make a person feel disconnected to themselves.) Yours and OP's logic is: "This is crazy/insane/OP's son is not right in the head - better hide it/deny it because others will rightfully judge me for not preventing it" instead of "Okay this is way out of the norm and really concerning how he will majorly go out of his way to alter his appearance to something almost inhumane - maybe I should look into this while my neighbors can clutch their pearls behind closed doors for all I care." And I just think there might actually be a correlation.

Everyone parents differently, I believe op has a right to react the way he did. I think the main question though is if ops kid is an adult or a child.

TxKitten79 10

If he's 18 or older, it's his choice. If he's not, you may have standing for legal action against the dentust's office for doing this without your consent.

sourgirl101 28

Now we can judge you for worrying about be judged.

I’m not understanding why that’s a bad thing. Let him be a vampire if he wants.

The other tooth wouldn't have been removed and replaced in the same appointment, the most that could have happened to that tooth is they have crowned it (which they tend not to do on a healthy tooth because you're cutting away too much healthy enamel). They may have just added extra composite to the tooth to make it look longer. The missing tooth is either an implant which you knew about already as that would've been done several months ago before having the crown fitted, or it's a bridge across the two teeth next to it. Either way, it can be changed in the future, and if it was a reputable dentist they would have made sure the tooth wasn't long enough to cause issues with their bite or smile. Or it's just a rubbish dentist that instead of shortening the new tooth they just decided to extend the natural tooth (usually with the patient's permission).

My verdict: you’re a terrible parent. Next! If you gave your kid enough blood growing up, they wouldn’t resort to stealing at night as an adult! Harrumph!

So dentists just have vampire teeth laying around in the office?

Since he was able to get his good tooth removed without you there to approve, I'm gonna assume that he's a grown-a55 man able to make his own decisions. Get over it.