By Anonymous - 21/03/2015 05:36 - United States - Mendham

Today, my sister shot my dog with my airsoft gun. When I told my parents, she put on the fakest sobbing I've ever heard, said she didn't even know how to use a gun, and that she saw me shoot my own dog. They believed her and think I need psychiatric help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 907
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your sister has some serious issues. Hope things work out okay OP.

Next time she decides to pick up the gun, start recording and show it to your parents next time she tries to pull something like that so you have proof she knows how to use it.


a plastic pellet shot from a spring is not going to kill your dog you should have just left your sister alone

#116, AirSoft guns can be extremely dangerous. Though on average, about a quarter the energy of a paintball, they can still be lethal if the shot hits an eye or a vulnerable spot on the body. (I'm a former tournament paintball player and avid sport-shooter, I know how much damage these things can do). There's a reason that the law (at least here in Canada) states that if you shoot a paintball / airsoft gun in an unsafe manner, you can be charged under the same statutes as if it was a real firearm #113, #92, #88, Agreed. It's not uncommon for the younger child to get away with crying wolf and getting away with it... I have a brother 2 years my junior and even into our 30s he still gets the benefit of the doubt over me when it comes to conflict. (It gets even worse when the younger sibling is female and the elder is male - I've seen some of the horrors my friends went through growing up) #2, She shouldn't have been able to pick it up. The owner should be responsible for it. If this sister pulled this stunt, she's likely pulled other ridiculous stunts in the past. OP should have made sure that the weapon wasn't accessible to the little sociopath. (Responsibility for your own possessions). In short, sorry OP, though it sucks, you deserved it (but the dog didn't - hope pup is ok)

doglady 16

shoot her. keep that poor animal away from that psycho

That's so stupid!! I hope your dog is okay!!

I'd murder someone if they touched my dog

Break her phone and tell them that you saw her drop it.