By Katy - 18/12/2018 14:00

Today, I fell in a vent in our floor while decorating our Christmas tree. My husband removed the grates months ago to increase airflow. I fell in past my knee and he had to pull me out by the arms. It's been four days and I can still barely walk. My office is on a second floor... We don't have an elevator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 397
You deserved it 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sparx1_1 12

Your husband is an idiot. There are lots of different grates you can get that increases airflow without leaving an open hole in your floor.


I'm sure you can get some time off for that kind of injury. All you have to do is ask.

thehaystackerine 20

hope it's an artificial tree. that extra air flow will dry out a real tree real fast, and create a fire hazard.

sparx1_1 12

Your husband is an idiot. There are lots of different grates you can get that increases airflow without leaving an open hole in your floor.

So you've had a hole in the floor for months and didn't do anything about it?

The way they phrased it as something the husband did makes me suspect OP didn't know. Perhaps the vent was behind furniture where it was hard to see. In a small or oddly laid out room one might squeeze into, say, the gap between a couch & a wall, to gain access to a part of the tree, or put a recliner or something else that had been near the hole, into storage to free up space for a gathering. Or she did know but couldn't do anything about it because he's a bully & INSISTED the grate be left out. Months later OP has forgotten about the hole, or just gets distracted for a moment, steps in the hole. I am a big fan of due dilligence, and yeah, people shouldn't have holes in their floors. But we don't have enough info to conclude that OP was negligent.

That isn't the way it works. Registers are there for a reason. That is one of them.

Maybe see a doctor? And put the grate back on?

404wan 19

honestly i dont know what to say besides i hope you put the grate back now... it's not decorative.

Sounds like your husband is being lazy. When’s the last time you had your HVAC cleaned? It’ll work like new and you can keep the grates on - that are there so you don’t fall down a hole in your floor!

tounces7 27

Your Husband removed the grates to increase airflow? What a dumb ass. The airflow is going to limited any way by the number of vents you have, and the intake.