By Anonymous - 15/06/2013 07:32 - United States - Ponchatoula

Today, my sister sent me countless pictures of my boyfriend making out with different girls at a bar. His excuse? Photoshop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 202
You deserved it 4 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What was your sister doing there with him?

Well shit, I don't know #1 maybe the sister wasn't with him and she happened to be at the same place as the OP's boyfriend, saw him with a bunch of girls and decided to watch him, probably without letting him know she was there.


It's not his fault, Shaggy taught him to say "it wasn't me".

SirTalkaton 22

I don't understand how someone could think you deserved this. Cheating is the lowest of the low. Sorry OP just be thankful you found out sooner rather than later.

TheWhiteLotus 5

I'm not saying cheating is "right" by any moral standard, but it's in no way below human expectations by traditional standards. "Fidelity" isn't natural for many species, in general. I'm a biologist, but I'm not saying you should take my word for it. Just do some research to better understand, as to not irrationally take a stance on the matter. Overall though? Yes, I do feel bad for the OP, because in American society, monogamy is the prevailing course of intimacy. Her douchenozzle boyfriend should've known better.

julfunky 29

#43 I'm glad you are intelligent enough to know all of that because most people aren't. But you read into that way too much. I think it's safe to assume they were referring to moral and not traditional standards. Still, since I am pointing that out I must also point out that it still wouldn't be the "lowest of the low" because there are many other things someone could do that is MUCH worse than cheating. So I guess their comment is invalid either way. But maybe they were thinking that infidelity is against human nature. In that case, I apologize for thinking you read into too much.

I agree that it's definitely not the lowest of the low, but, it's still betrayal, so, even if it's in general human nature, it's still bad. Just because humans normally want to not stay with the same person for too long, if that is what you are saying, doesn't make it okay to do so without telling the other person.

timss4 19

Highly doubt your sister is an expert at photoshop and even if she was its easily disproven lol what an idiot

Yup she's going to take grainy little pictures on her phone (I'm sure) to an expert for evaluation .... Right...

man ***** would have been a legit excuse. your boyfriend is a male prostitute.

You do realize that means people pay others to have sex with them, right? No one said he was being paid to have sex with anyone.

girlymae 12

Tell him that you're gonna photoshop HIM out of your life!

Er - shouldn't he be photoshopping YOU into pictures not other girls? And I highly doubt your sister would do that...