One law for thee…

By Ryan - 14/07/2022 14:00

Today, I found out the off-duty cop who beat my face in front of a dozen witnesses was wasn’t even charged with assault. I have court in two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 040
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sadly welcome to American “justice” the DA (the office responsible for charging people with crimes) works hand in glove with the police. The police are almost never charged with a crime unless there are witnesses and videos posted online. There are exceptions but not as often as you would expect. Handling cops 101: (1) Immediately comply with orders. (2) Do not attempt to escape that will end badly, sometimes with your death. (3) Do not argue, do not confront, save your arguments for court if you are arrested. Follow these steps and you will live to see another day.

You must be a non-Caucasian living in America. My deepest condolences.


Sadly welcome to American “justice” the DA (the office responsible for charging people with crimes) works hand in glove with the police. The police are almost never charged with a crime unless there are witnesses and videos posted online. There are exceptions but not as often as you would expect. Handling cops 101: (1) Immediately comply with orders. (2) Do not attempt to escape that will end badly, sometimes with your death. (3) Do not argue, do not confront, save your arguments for court if you are arrested. Follow these steps and you will live to see another day.

tiptoppc 19

I prefer the “take you down with me” approach. Can’t wait to traumatize some bastard for taking me out when i was no threat. Sadly, I haven’t had my chance to **** up a cop, but one day, god willing, i’ll be able to rise to the occasion! Hell, i’m a white male and I ******* hate cops.

If this really involves crooked cops, and they get theirs, they should be on a derisive poster that says "Support Your Local Police."

You must be a non-Caucasian living in America. My deepest condolences.