By Anonymous - 25/12/2014 21:00 - United States

Today, my dad has discovered selfies and my mom has discovered taking pictures of food. Now I'm at a restaurant, suffering through it all and not being able to eat anything until my mom has taken pictures of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 127
You deserved it 2 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look her in the eye, stab your fork into your food and fling it at your dad taking selfies


I think you already did #1, you already did...

wow the fml readers are pretty harsh with the downvotes sometimes; your reply made me crack a smile at least ☺️

When parents learn trends, it's always a train wreck...

Just be glad they haven't learned what twerking is yet?

The food pictures trend needs to die anyways, let's start now with OP's mom.

ThatLobster 24

Parents: what are this? Jenna marbles ref.

Dinner with Stephen Georg. One person will know what I mean.

Look her in the eye, stab your fork into your food and fling it at your dad taking selfies

Kyle1dc 17

bonus points if it bounces off and hits your mom.

Just eat your meal and establish dominance. You don't need to wait for no one.

I curse the day when parents learn the "hip new trends". Hopefully your dad captures his entire face when he's selfie-ing...

I didn't know taking a picture of yourself was a lost art