By Anonymous - 07/01/2015 16:29 - Sri Lanka

Today, my scumbag landlady broke into my place and stole my mop, which I refused to give her earlier. She denied everything and tried to convince me that some criminal broke in using a key, stole only my mop, and was nice enough to lock up on the way out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 630
You deserved it 2 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Which I refused to give her earlier" I feel like there's an entire magical mop-related backstory that the public has to know, damnit!

CallMeWindSock 24

I would seriously get out of there. Landlords need to know limits.


I love the way that she tried to convince you. After letting her have her spiel you should then have replied "Yes, and the criminal that did all that is you".

Maybe you should consider changing your locks? Why does your landlady even have a key?

So what, the landlady shouldn't have keys to the place she owns?

JustinJK 21

I have a deadbolt lock on my apartment that I only have a key too. I keep it unlocked if they're coming in for maintenance.

That's against the terms of your lease in most cases, if they have to get into your apartment for an emergency you'll be liable for the damages to the door and frame

Yes exactly. For example it's not her place when she let another person rent it. It's common in most terms of lease.

Don't go around and mope about it. Keep your head up OP!

Dafuq a criminal gonna do with a mop? Lmao. She's horrible at lying and must be that crazy to need to steal a mop.

Third world problems. . People stealing mops

lollypop30001 19

Looks like it's time to move!

Wouldn't see this happening in Canada, because here we aren't assholes who won't led someone a damn mop.

If the landlord is insane enough to break into OP's apartment over a mop... then I'm pretty sure the reason OP didn't lend their mop to her was because she must've done something as batshit crazy as that before.

Land lords have rules they have to abide by also. I would be pissed! All for a mop. I'm sure she could have used a towel and hand washed the surface.

Do you have a shark steam mop by any chance? Those are really good mops!!