By TubaAssassin - 28/11/2017 06:00

Today, I came home to find that my roommate had picked my lock and stolen my new laptop. When I tried to take it back, he called the police. They sided with him since he had also taken the receipt, which was "proof" that it was his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 868
You deserved it 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you pay in cash? If not, get statements from the bank or credit company. If you bought it in a physical store, which is what it sounds like, talk to the manager at the store and see if they can pull video of you purchasing it or pull a copy of the receipt. Then take the bastard to small claims court if you have to. If you paid in straight cash... don't ever do it again, because stuff like this happens, unfortunately. I hope the bastard gets kneecapped.

Time to find a new roommate. Sorry he turned out to be such a thief and a liar. I guess from now on, carry receipts with you.


Time to find a new roommate. Sorry he turned out to be such a thief and a liar. I guess from now on, carry receipts with you.

Did you pay in cash? If not, get statements from the bank or credit company. If you bought it in a physical store, which is what it sounds like, talk to the manager at the store and see if they can pull video of you purchasing it or pull a copy of the receipt. Then take the bastard to small claims court if you have to. If you paid in straight cash... don't ever do it again, because stuff like this happens, unfortunately. I hope the bastard gets kneecapped.

also if they paid by card the last four digits of the card would be on the receipt. that card would have op's name on it.

If he paid with a card, the last 4 of the card and the name on the card should show up on the receipt.

Too, if he paid cash, call up the store and get security footage of that day. It'll be YOU in line purchasing it. He can't exactly change the story now and say it was a gift.

Must suck to live with a diabolical genius!

first things first, find a new roommate! Next, did you buy it with a card? Very easy to prove its yours if you purchased it on a card! bank statements and the last 4#'s on the receipt will match your card. If you purchased it with cash get security tape from the place you purchased it, they'll have tape of you purchasing and walking out with the laptop.

feckarsedrink 9

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It was new. It could have easily still been in the box - especially since OP still had the receipt. Not a lot of people keep the receipt of items after they know they work.

PhantomCrevan 8

Dude, if you are seriously so miserable that you get that pissed off because you *think* something is fake- particularly since you think so due to faulty assumptions- you need to chill. And maybe see a doctor.

Didn't you put a password on your laptop?

It may have been so new that OP hadn't had a chance to set anything up yet.

If you think passwords stop thieves, I've got bad news for you.

It's a easy way to prove that it actually is your laptop and not of ops roommate

Thorn3359 10

True but if the thief doesn't have the password and the OP dose that's an easy way to prove its his

Catlover1130 14

If you paid with a card, verify it's yours by showing them the last 4 digits on the card and compare with the receipt. Should be enough proof that it's yours

If you pay my credit or debit card, then you could easily prove that you bought it.

kev1029 22

If you paid with credit card, you can easily prove yourself

BaDumTsss_fml 23

Show them your bank statement!