By Crazy cat lady - 10/04/2015 15:20 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, my roommate's noisiest cat passed away. My previously-silent cat has decided that someone has to fill the void, and has been running around the apartment howling ever since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 869
You deserved it 3 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's likely because your cat misses the other cat. My cat did the same thing for a few days after our other cat passed away. Vets suggest allowing other pets to see/sniff the deceased pet so that they have a better understanding of why they are gone.


Cats are social animals. You cat is not filling in but calling and waiting for a reply from a missing part of its den..

NutellaBear 3

Pets do grieve when members of the family — both human and other pets — are no longer around. I've been through this three or four times now since I always have four cats around the house. If you have room in your life, now would be especially a good time to bring in another kitten. A kitten would be a better bet in your circumstances. This can be more important with a cat than a dog because cats usually establish a bonded pair with each other. Dogs tend to bond more with humans in a house. An adult cat can also be brought in but sometimes the established adult cat will not accept another adult cat coming into the house. I've never had this problem with adding a kitten to a house with an established adult cat. With so many cats needing forever homes, it would be good karma if you have room for one more.

Axel5238 29

Pets do grief and have many human emotions. My cat Izzy sulks if I yell at him and won 't come near me until I pet him and tell him he's a good boy. He's waiting by the door when I come back from work and will follow and wait if I go for a smoke. Animals do grieve and have separation anxiety.

Never owned a kitty with that kind of anxiety. My dog apparently sits by my bedroom door most of the day and whines until I get home.

snarkytruth 37

It has been years and my little female cat has been calling for her dead brother. Sometimes with his toy in her mouth trying to get him to come out and play with her. It's heartbreaking and pitiful. Another cat for companionship might be helpful. Lots more affection and stimulation should also help.

Everyone grieves in their own way People and animals are not that different after all

So you lived with at least 3 cats at your place.. Yikes.

Cats go through a grieving process much like humans, mine did the same thing when my other cat passed. Lots and lots of meowing, over eating, under eating. It lasted a couple months. Don't introduce a new cat too soon if you plan on getting them a new friend.

Comfort the cat. He misses his friend. Poor guy.

Your cat is mourning the loss of the other cat