By Noname - 30/01/2009 18:18 - Canada

Today, I was woken up by my roommates cat meowing so loudly at her door, wanting in. Suddenly it stopped. I was just falling back into sleep when I rolled over and the cat was right there beside my head. Meowing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 803
You deserved it 3 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coming from someone who has three cats... that is no surprise. that is such a cat thing. i love this story. it brightens my day


Trevv 0

Damn cats.... that's why I hate them. but whatever who cares what I think right? FYL indeed, OP.

Because OP must hate cats and the stupid meowing noises they make then they find the little ****** next to them

j_e_m_8_8 0

haha hilarious..cats are soo weird hahahah

coming from someone who has three cats... that is no surprise. that is such a cat thing. i love this story. it brightens my day

spitfire921 0

that is so cute that sounds like something my ex-boyfriends cat buster would do to his old roomie XD

nonstopsand 0

I would crap my pants! Something out of a Steven King movie. I hate cats!

Some cats, like mine, can open doors.

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

Ahaha dogs are better ;) lol jkjk my opinion. Anyway, just tell your room mate (If she's there) to get the cat out or something. Or take it out... cat's are annoying w/ the meowing.... haha

mattmalin11 0

#4 is right: "The Grudge 4" Some person rolls over and that little black cat does what it did in the FML and then the little grudge boy or the grudge lady kills them.

LOL freaky. I love cats though. :)