By wrecked - 11/01/2010 13:43 - United States

Today, I slid on ice and hit another car while driving to work. My car was totalled, and my leg hurt, while the other car had very little damage. Not two minutes later, the salt truck drove by, spraying the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 614
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing like adding a little salt to the wound?

you can be going slow and still slide and crash your car, don't be so daft.


well at least the PHILLIES havent lost a game yet this year. i mean right?

**** you guys! The Phillies are awesome. But I do have to say that the Giants are pretty bad-ass

Spac3Ghost 0

stop whining woman!!! you shouldnt have been going so fast on ice that you cant stop and slide so fast that you total your car!! you drive slow on ice1 retarded!!! (owned by a 17 year old...)

Spac3Ghost 0

sorry... sent this a million times... i dunno why... ok so i was owned by a computer...

Spac3Ghost 0

stop whining woman!!! you shouldnt have been going so fast on ice that you cant stop and slide so fast that you total your car!! you drive slow on ice!!! retarded!!! (owned by a 17 year old...)

MinaXmassacre 0

Seems to be your fault seeing as you hit the other car. you should either change your tires or not go so fast

YDI. You hit the other car. Drive slower.

kelmc623 0

i slid off an icy entrance ramp once (my foot was not even on the gas), 60 seconds later someone did the same things, 60 seconds after that- the salt truck came..... it does suck.

that still doesn't mean OP shouldn't drive more safely. just because you don't have your foot on the gas doesn't mean you are not going too fast.

you can be going slow and still slide and crash your car, don't be so daft.

youthink_fml 0

Learn to drive. On ice and fast enough to total your car? YDI idiot.