So beautiful!

By JerryClark - 02/02/2020 14:00 - United States - San Bernardino

Today, my best female friend sent me a nude to make sure it looked good before she sent it to the guy she likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 878
You deserved it 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why is that an fml? Do you have feelings for her? Saying that she’s your best female friend doesn’t automatically imply that. It’s only an fml if you have feelings for her and she knew that when sending the pic.

Take it for what it is. You said she is your best friend. She trusts you enough to send you a nude for commentary, it’s not often you find someone that’s trusts you that well and on the flip side it’s hard to find someone to trust enough to send that too. I know you are complaining about being friend zoned, however I’ve been there and I am in this exact situation and while we both have our own spouses now, we are each other’s closest friends, supporters and allies outside of our spouses. Don’t squander the trust she has placed in you and you will have a friend for life in her.


Take it for what it is. You said she is your best friend. She trusts you enough to send you a nude for commentary, it’s not often you find someone that’s trusts you that well and on the flip side it’s hard to find someone to trust enough to send that too. I know you are complaining about being friend zoned, however I’ve been there and I am in this exact situation and while we both have our own spouses now, we are each other’s closest friends, supporters and allies outside of our spouses. Don’t squander the trust she has placed in you and you will have a friend for life in her.

Why is that an fml? Do you have feelings for her? Saying that she’s your best female friend doesn’t automatically imply that. It’s only an fml if you have feelings for her and she knew that when sending the pic.

Be honest with her. Tell her if she sends the pic, she will most likely get ghosted by the guy. Then, go on to say you're attracted to her inner beauty and would happily accept her, hideous body and all.

Pix or it didn't happen! /s (not really.... ;-)

bl3ur0z3 17

Look...either she thinks you’re gay or she’s sending a message. Step up and tell her how you feel (if you’re not gay).....

Dude either your that close as friends or you are the guy she likes

Pay her back by post it here.. or in dm 😂