By not a kiddy fiddler really - 29/05/2015 20:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, at my daughter's wedding celebration, I was doing a Michael Jackson act with a few buddies. It went well until I did the crotch-grab. I yanked my balls too hard and fell to the floor, writhing in agony in front of nearly 70 guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 087
You deserved it 26 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A wedding isn't great until a father does something stupid.

I bet you made were finally able to be high pitched enough to make the "hee hee" sound MJ did.


A wedding isn't great until a father does something stupid.

Thank god you said that. Im going to take a screenshot and show this to my daughter the day of her wedding

Haha, you can tell your daughter things can always be worse whenever her wedding happens. For my wedding my father-in-law was the pastor and he got so nervous he rambled about hookers, said we wouldn't be truly married until I was taken in our marriage bed, and forgot my husband's (his only son, let's not forget) name and got it wrong twice before my husband had to correct him.

So what's the stupid thing he did?

I bet you made were finally able to be high pitched enough to make the "hee hee" sound MJ did.

Sorry, I messed up that sentence and ran out of time to edit :p disregard "made" please :)

We're cool. WE know what you're saying... and I must say, it made me chuckle :)

sonasonic 34

Isn't that classy? At least your daughter would remember this birthday party from now on...

Yeah, sometimes I get married at birthday parties too. It just seems to happen randomly.

TylerDV 11

That must of been a pretty ballsy move, too bad it didn't work out for you.

TylerDV 11

Fail! Haha I was thinking must've in my head and typed must of. Oh well, sorry for the grammar mistake guys!

Were you balling in front of everyone?

On the bright side I'm sure you entertained your guests!

ColonelCusswords 24

Reading this made me ache. You're a brave man OP.

You deserve every bit of that embarrassment

How? For trying to have a good time at his daughters wedding?