By Kere - 03/02/2011 16:42 - Sweden

Today, my phone decided to delete all my numbers. I posted on Facebook that people should message or text me if they felt like I should have their number. I didn't get a single reply. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 878
You deserved it 6 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I don't think your phone decided that. It was instructed by your friends and family to do so.


jrtepechis 6
mandypandypants 4

Nobody likes you. Get over it. Go find a new sandbox to play in.

dmmcintyre3 8
uberletepoon 10

more reason to switch to twitter

The best comment for this would have been if no one commented at all.

cheeksMcgeeks 3

If I could thumbs up this 100 times...

just face it; you're not interesting. at. all.

lordcaliburx 0

oh boo hoo. god forbid everyone stops what they are doing and text you.