By ColdMN - 03/02/2011 17:02 - United States

Today, I trying to scrape the ice off my car, but wasn't having much luck. Frustrated, I kicked a clump off from the bumper. The clump didn't budge, but the entire front quarter panel fell off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 359
You deserved it 11 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cameront777 0

hitting things is definitely always the best solution

there is no "front" quarter panels on a car. their called fenders. quarter panels are only on the rear.


uberletepoon 10
cameront777 0

hitting things is definitely always the best solution

nocanhaz 4

Failure is inevitable. When just trying to clean up your car you end up knocking off a panel of it. I congratulate you on your stupidity.

hahaha that's like in a movie! brilliant.

there is no "front" quarter panels on a car. their called fenders. quarter panels are only on the rear.

First he was right. It is there as they`re is short for they are which they are is no front quarter panel would make no sense. So, with that being said way to be a dumb as and fail correcting someone. Second, I agree at THERE not being a front quarter panel.

Igor_g5 0

Technically they can be and sometimes are called quarter panels. Most of us call them fenders. That being said, I don't see how it could come off with all those bolts holding it on.

therealdavid 0

21 He was WRONG. I was referring to when he wrote "their" which is possessive, when he should've put "they're" as in "they are".