By wrongnumber - 14/01/2011 08:37 - United States

Today, someone posted online a listing for a bicycle for sale, and accidentally put my phone number instead of their own. I have received more calls in one day than I have from friends and family in a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 575
You deserved it 3 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alanah101 0

OMG! The same thing is happening to my husband. Except its to rent out an apartment. The town these people are seeing this post is about a couple hrs drive.


Alanah101 0

OMG! The same thing is happening to my husband. Except its to rent out an apartment. The town these people are seeing this post is about a couple hrs drive.

Alanah101 0

OMG!! She cares. Why do you have to be so crude? You'll have less stress on your life if you let the little things go. Try it. You'll see. It's peaceful not being a dick.

I bet her "friends" are customers that seen her hooker ad and this just shows more people would rather buy a bike then buy a night with her

^ I'd rather have the bike too. You ride the bike as many times as you want, but you ride the hooker only once.

::shrug:: someone repeatedly posted my number for a 24/7 party girl (hooker) service. Now that sucked. But not really an FML... Just had to change my number

Some students at my mum's old school did this once, to their headmaster, deliberatly, using the school office number. And the headmaster's shiny new car. The result was similar and apparently the headmaster was ANGRY.

Are you sure it was an accident? Maybe your "friends" wanted to mess with you.

123skyline 0

You should make friends with those people who call you.

DakotaCat 4

That's nothing! Before I switched my # I kept getting calls from Arizona asking if I was some lady. And a whole bunch of calls asking for a Tiffany White. Who's Tiffany White?

That used to happen to me, except, it was people (from a different state) wanting quotes for a new fence. It went on for a year, due to the company having my number listed in that years phone book. In the end, I gave quotes and a time I'd be there. I’m an aesthetician. Anyway, it was a bit of entertainment, for your day. You'll live.

Alanah101 0

Lol@Crimsonhead. Giving quotes? funny.