By soon to have a fist shaped hole in my ass - 23/01/2016 07:49 - Canada - Cornwall

Today, my neighbors in the apartment above me yet again had a loud fight, well past midnight while I was trying to sleep. I stood on my bed and pounded on the ceiling to shut them up. And now I'll have to explain the two fist-shaped holes in the ceiling to my landlord. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 004
You deserved it 8 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Yeah after the aliens broke in they started punching things and that's why there are dents in the ceiling"

Even if they were annoying, pounding on the ceiling is a stupid idea, and might get them pissed off at you since they aren't in the greatest mood. However, explaining that to your landlord, sheesh, that really sucks. YDI & YLS


Why didn't you stop after the first hole?

hitting the ceiling with both hands at once maybe?

I have a feeling it went along the lines of, "but wait there's more"

dragoongirl90 34

"Yeah after the aliens broke in they started punching things and that's why there are dents in the ceiling"

You should have had it recorded so you have some proof that they were making noises way too late. Still sucks OP

theblondeone 16

That's no excuse for pounding on the ceiling. If OP was irritated with the neighbors, he should have been an adult, knocked on their door, and politely ask them to lower the noise level. Problem solved.

And if that didn't work, call the police with a noise complaint. OP needs to learn how to be an adult. YDI

well, you shouldn't have hit your ceiling so hard.

Even if they were annoying, pounding on the ceiling is a stupid idea, and might get them pissed off at you since they aren't in the greatest mood. However, explaining that to your landlord, sheesh, that really sucks. YDI & YLS

Should have used a broom or went to their apartment personally. YDI

If you had the energy to stand up and pound on your ceiling with such force, would it have been too much to go upstairs, knock on their door, and ask them politely to keep the noise down?

I think it's probably less about energy and more about wanting to avoid confrontation.

True. It was foolish of me to assume that since OP could boldly pound holes into their ceiling to shut up their neighbors, they would also have the bravery to ask said neighbors to quiet down in person.

If you were too scared to go there and ask them to stop you could always call the cops with a noise complaint. /shrug

trellz17 19

Next time, record the fight and how loud it is. Take it to your landlord or the police, for proof of how disrupting they are.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

That doesn't solve the holes in the ceiling. Just because someone is loud doesn't mean you punch holes into the ceiling.

trellz17 19

Noooo shit! If he has a reason to go to the landlord or the police then he won't have to bang on anything anymore, because the neighbors would've stopped being so loud.