By soon to have a fist shaped hole in my ass - 23/01/2016 07:49 - Canada - Cornwall

Today, my neighbors in the apartment above me yet again had a loud fight, well past midnight while I was trying to sleep. I stood on my bed and pounded on the ceiling to shut them up. And now I'll have to explain the two fist-shaped holes in the ceiling to my landlord. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 995
You deserved it 8 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Yeah after the aliens broke in they started punching things and that's why there are dents in the ceiling"

Even if they were annoying, pounding on the ceiling is a stupid idea, and might get them pissed off at you since they aren't in the greatest mood. However, explaining that to your landlord, sheesh, that really sucks. YDI & YLS


Heartbeat94 4

call the police said you heard them fighting so loud.. police will come since (possible) domestic abuse is a hot issue these days..

All of these ppl commenting saying "ydi OP you should've gone and talked to them" clearly have never dealt with an obnoxious neighbour. Sometimes banging on the ceiling is a nessacary last minute resort. Although a little over the top.

My thing is, why'd OP do it so hard that it left holes in the ceiling?

riledupdemon 3

I had a similar situation. I finally called the cops told them there was a situation... Cops got there just as the guy started throwing punches. His wife was mad enough to press charges when she usually forgot about it. Guy goes to jail, wife moves OOT to her mom's.

azzholio 7

Bucket of drywall mud 17.95. Tools to apply drywall mud $20-30. Knowing how to do minor repairs like a real man......... Priceless

azzholio 7

And no I am not implying a woman can't do household repairs. Just that job typically is the mans resposibility.

I was just about to say that. He could get a patch kit from any hardware store and fix it himself. Anyone could do it. His landlord might never even notice if he does it well enough.

How do you event punch a hole in a ceiling without breaking your hand

I can think of a few ways you could've gotten your point across, none of which include holes in the ceiling. This really shouldn't require explaining unless you're almost literally a caveman.

I understand one, but two? That seemed unnecessary...

Next time, knock on their door or alert your landlord.

Two? You should have stopped after the first hole :).