By soon to have a fist shaped hole in my ass - 23/01/2016 07:49 - Canada - Cornwall

Today, my neighbors in the apartment above me yet again had a loud fight, well past midnight while I was trying to sleep. I stood on my bed and pounded on the ceiling to shut them up. And now I'll have to explain the two fist-shaped holes in the ceiling to my landlord. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 995
You deserved it 8 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Yeah after the aliens broke in they started punching things and that's why there are dents in the ceiling"

Even if they were annoying, pounding on the ceiling is a stupid idea, and might get them pissed off at you since they aren't in the greatest mood. However, explaining that to your landlord, sheesh, that really sucks. YDI & YLS


bigdfootball97 24

Just show this FML to your landlord :)

TWO holes in the ceiling? After you put the first one in did you think "Boy, I'll just do it again!"?

Just fix it yourself. A little mud a little paint no big deal. We live in a time where nobody can do anything for themselves.

LOL no one bothers to even figure out how to do things for themselves

Just patch the holes. It's not rocket surgery. a couple fiberglass wall patches, some drywall mud, and some paint. Viola.

Just patch the holes. It's not rocket surgery. a couple fiberglass wall patches, some drywall mud, and some paint. Viola.

I was gonna click fyl, but the last sentence made me change my mind. TWO fist shaped holes, really? YDI.

why did you continue to punch after the first hole ?