Everybody needs good neighbours

By Anonymous - 11/07/2020 17:02

Today, I live on the second floor and my neighbor from below banged on my door, telling me I sounded like a giant elephant and needed to learn to be quiet. I was eating ice cream in bed. I also live alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 523
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then start eating that ice cream while couch surfing! ;-)

F*ck him. If someone doesn’t want to hear other people then DON’T move into an apartment/condo. Duh! What’s wrong with people? Now that he’s complained you need to either get a mini trampoline or a pogo stick!


Well then start eating that ice cream while couch surfing! ;-)

bloopaloop 27

Don’t eat so much ice cream and you won’t sound like that

genuinegoodguy 9

Seriously, carpet in bedrooms is a great idea.

So, how did you get the ice cream from your freezer to your bed without walking on the floor? Or do you keep a freezer at your bedside?

F*ck him. If someone doesn’t want to hear other people then DON’T move into an apartment/condo. Duh! What’s wrong with people? Now that he’s complained you need to either get a mini trampoline or a pogo stick!

diraven 15

So are you a giant elephant? You didn't specify