By anon - 20/07/2011 07:55 - Canada

Today, my neighbor finally cut the grass on his front lawn. At 2 in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 962
You deserved it 3 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aren't there any noise pollution rules in your area during the night? I live in Ontario, and we'd be fined for doing that.


some people's allergies are not as bad at night, your neighbor is not crazy.

RoxxyHustle 7

I'd prefer that to 8am. Sooooo annoying!!!

writeonme 7

He mowed the lawn at 2am, big deal. I'd do the same thing too, it's not as hot.

Slightly420 0

I like to keep my grass cut, no matter what time it is *wink*

As you said finally, then it means you kept asking him so I think ydi!

VicxD 0

lol what was he doing at two in the morning.... "cough" crack head "cough"

cheezbrgrsrcool 1

should have thrown a rock at him

Meh, I did the same thing to my annoying neighbors. Well almost. I did at 3am. "Why ?", you ask. Because they mow their lawn every saturday at 6. effing AM. I asked them to do it later, and that some people like to sleep in on weekends. And they didn't stopped, no, they switched their electric mower (noiser of the mower wasn't the problem, the yelling was) to a petrol one. My revenge was simple, get a high power lamp, take the exhaust off from my mower, get drunk and mow my lawn in the middle of the night. And sadly that didn't stop them.

Six in the morning? So what? If you don't like it, maybe you should put a movie on or something to drowned out the noise. They shouldn't have to give in to your silly demands just because you like to sleep in on a Saturday.

maybe he works nights, so for him 2 am is like 11 am to you. ever consider that? or that when you mow your lawn at 11 am it's the middle of the night to him? do the right thing. fence in your yard, get a goat, and name him "Mow".

HunterAlpha1 8

but vampires have to mow their lawns too!