By Anonymous - 11/12/2013 22:25 - Luxembourg

Today, my mother told her friends that I work as a call girl. I'm a call center agent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 333
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh come on.... there's only a slight difference there ;-) Seriously though, explain to your mom what the difference is. I'm sure she'll clear it up right away.


ZY1431 24

well I guess its the same thing. ..indirectly.

They're not even in the same league! Directly or indirectly.

ZY1431 24

play of words considering the situation. ..

Does she not know the difference between the two??

Call girl or not, at least she's bragging about you to her friends

Oh come on.... there's only a slight difference there ;-) Seriously though, explain to your mom what the difference is. I'm sure she'll clear it up right away.

The major difference being that a call girl makes way more money. Well, a good one anyway.

moosetracks22 10

Explain the difference between the two to her. Hopefully she will see the error of her ways.

Close enough? But seriously though, you should explain to her, exactly what you do, OP! Make sure she understands the difference between the two jobs.

I can't honestly say which job is worst.