True love will find you in the end

By Anonymous - 31/03/2024 09:00 - Pakistan

Today, I'm going through the first/worst heartbreak of my life, all while studying for med school finals. Every time I try to focus on studying, I see a flashback of his smile and I melt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 429
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you get dumped when you're a doctor would it be acceptable to be a bad doctor? This sucks but toughen up and focus on your real goals

jillylilly 5

ging through the same. couldn't belieben how devastating that is. feel hugged and try to do your best!


if you get dumped when you're a doctor would it be acceptable to be a bad doctor? This sucks but toughen up and focus on your real goals

jillylilly 5

ging through the same. couldn't belieben how devastating that is. feel hugged and try to do your best!