
By Rebecca - 28/05/2021 20:01

Today, looking out of my window, I spotted a fire raging in the building across from my apartment. Grabbing my phone, I dashed out to the balcony, only to slam into the screen door instead. After calling 911, I sprinted back out, only to clock the door a second time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 775
You deserved it 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No really your fault. Sometimes in panic we get clumsy and do things in a hurry. Good on you for calling 911. Hope the screen door did not hurt too much.

ojoRojo 27

Hope the people in that building are okay!


No really your fault. Sometimes in panic we get clumsy and do things in a hurry. Good on you for calling 911. Hope the screen door did not hurt too much.

ojoRojo 27

Hope the people in that building are okay!

"There's a fire across the street from me! Send the fire department!" *wham!* "And send an ambulance to my address..."