I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike

By couch potato - 16/03/2020 03:03

Today, I argued with my mom that I deserved enough independence to ride my bike to school. Halfway there, I realized I was so out of shape that I had to call her for a ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 517
You deserved it 1 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your mom sees she should have let you ride your bike long ago

There's independence and there's inertia. Inertia wins.


And I'm sure your classmates liked sitting next to the fat, sweaty kid.

TheGestalt97 11

There's independence and there's inertia. Inertia wins.

I hope your mom sees she should have let you ride your bike long ago

WistayShlaio82 13

I bet you have a large amount of trophies on your Xbox Huh

bloopaloop 27

I hope you feel bad. Then feel like getting in better shape. Then feel good.

That sucks, but well done for trying. Keep up the good work.