Then it dawned on me…

By Bad dad - 14/08/2022 22:00

Today, at my mom's house, my daughter came running up to me with some sort of love heart hair band, demanding to wear it straight away. After a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out how the band fit around a child's head it started vibrating. It was my mom's sex toy from her bedside drawer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 074
You deserved it 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Demanding?!?!? You ought to punish that attitude by letting her know what Granny really does with that thing. You shouldn't have to bear such trauma alone.


Demanding?!?!? You ought to punish that attitude by letting her know what Granny really does with that thing. You shouldn't have to bear such trauma alone.