Team breaking

By Anonymous - 13/05/2020 02:00

Today, I went on a work team-building day at a snow park. Thirty minutes in, while I was climbing out of a slide, my 210 lb coworker ploughed into me in a donut ring. He obliterated my ankle and I've now got three months in a cast to look forward to. So much for the building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 530
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redvibes23 14

I think the weight was mentioned just as a reference to show how much force was put into the ankle not as an attack

EmDizzle2007 28

I'm sure it wasn't intentional.


That really sucks and I’m sure he feels really bad as it’s the people who work there who let people know when they can go. It’s not his fault and I don’t think his weight had to be brought into it.

redvibes23 14

I think the weight was mentioned just as a reference to show how much force was put into the ankle not as an attack

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

the weight is important to the story. if the coworker was 80-100 lbs, they'd be the broken one.

If that was the case why didn’t they mention their own weight? There for we can know the total impact. I just don’t see how weight matters. Some one coming down a slide 10 pounds 250 what ever is going to hurt. It really doesn’t matter. They could of said a full grown man or explained it in a better way.

Really? Don't be so sensitive. a 500 lb man's ankle will break just as easily as a 90 lb woman's. This wasn't an attack on you, nore was fat shaming. Today I had a 3 lb bird hit my ankle, I will be crippled forever vs a 250 lb weight hit my ankle. big difference in the story. the subject matter is the weight on the ankle.

Marcella1016 31

Not him specifically but OP can probably apply for worker’s comp. And def probably had grounds to sue the facility they were at because like someone else said the worker is supposed to let each person know when the path is cleared ahead of them and it is safe to go.

we are on quarantine. why are you doing a team building activity? and sorry to hear that, that sux get well

EmDizzle2007 28

I'm sure it wasn't intentional.

Kraths 16

210 is roughly average for most groups of men, a little heavy for 20 and under and light for 30 plus, but nevertheless quite normal.