By LP - 15/06/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, my mom accused me of having an eating disorder, and I didn't correct her. Truth is, I lost weight after I went off the pill a year ago. I'm too embarrassed to tell my mom that I haven't had anyone in a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 941
You deserved it 7 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't your mom see it as a good thing that you hadn't had sex in a year?

FlaminYawn 0

So your mom encourages *******? Hopefully you're using this time for self-discovery...


14, you're an idiot. You can get pregnant at ANY POINT in the cycle. You're just MORE LIKELY TO during ovulation. I bet you think pulling out works too.

19... tell that to my ****. I gained a cup size and a half on the pill and lost them within three months of going off the pill. You're telling me my **** were full of water?

testing_fml 0

"Today, I realized that I went off the pill because I wasn't planning on having sex. As a result, I haven't gotten laid in a year. FML" -- come on, this is NOT an FML, so YDI

withahtrentuh 0

Not an FML. If society is reaching the point that they feel embarassed for not having sex... Then we should be disgusted with ourselves. Just tell your mom you're off the pill and not having sex.

@14 - Plus you get to chart your basal body temperature, record changes in vaginal secretions, etc. Judging by the behavior of the OP, I'm going to go WAY out on a limb and assume that she's young enough that her cycle might not be totally regular. While relying solely on the rhythm method in one's teenage years might not be THE stupidest thing ever, it's definitely up there. Modern oral contraceptives are safe for non-smoking, non-migrainous women under the age of 35. There are a number of studies suggesting that the pill can help improve bone density and maintain ovarian health. As long as an oral contraceptive user is either a.) in a monogamous relationship where both partners have been tested for STDs or b.) consistently using barrier protection in addition to the pill, birth control pills are not unhealthy or unsafe at all. But, I guess the benefits of being sufficiently In Touch With Your Body to be confident in trusting the future contents of your uterus to what is essentially an educated guess are good, too.

@14 again - ...and besides, her comment did not in any way suggest that she was confused about the array of family planning options at the disposal of the modern woman, so your advice was completely unwanted and unnecessary, as well as being self-righteous and dangerously underinformed.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#14: You know NOTHING about the woman's body. I am going to go as far as to say that you aren't a woman. A woman can get pregnant at anytime it is just MORE LIKELY to happen during ovulation, tool. Also that is a very ineffective method many people get their periods well after they begin having sex, so when they do get it it is beginning to regulate itself. Or there are people who have, after years, unregulated periods. Jackass. OP: You were safe, you're losing weight, and you aren't having sex. There are so many STDs & STIs out there, there aren't many things you can do besides not have sex. Which many people wouldn't wanna do. But it's okay:]

Lindsay46789 0

@14 you typically use the ovulation method if you are trying to get pregnant, not the other way around. Since the OP was on the pill, I take it she does not want to get pregnant. She is complaining that she has not had sex and that is why she stopped; not that she is having sex and trying to get pregnant. Perhaps you should reread before typing?

#14 & #16 - that methodology works in theory but in reality lots of people have irregular periods (not just teenagers, adults too) and I personally know several people whose parents got pregnant trying to use that method to prevent pregnancy. I especially hope you're not recommending that kind of prevention to teenagers or you will find a bunch of knocked up teenaged girls pretty soon.

lolzforfun228 3

For all the people who say stuff like "sex is overrated" "sex sucks" and shit like that, im guessing your either a virgin or you haven't gotten laid in a long time. But I would feel bad about telling your mom. She isn't going to laugh at you or anything. And it isn't the end of the world you haven't had sex for a year. There is a lot more to life than sex. But im just saying that sex is a pretty nice part of life. :D