By LP - 15/06/2009 02:35 - United States

Today, my mom accused me of having an eating disorder, and I didn't correct her. Truth is, I lost weight after I went off the pill a year ago. I'm too embarrassed to tell my mom that I haven't had anyone in a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 942
You deserved it 7 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't your mom see it as a good thing that you hadn't had sex in a year?

FlaminYawn 0

So your mom encourages *******? Hopefully you're using this time for self-discovery...


Hey guess what #14!? You're WRONG! A woman has the potential to get pregnant MOST days of the month. Yes, MOST. AND sperm lives up to THREE DAYS in a womens "Area." And I don't mean to sound overly Republican here, but the ONLY way to avoid any chance of pregnancy is to remain ABSTINANT! So hey FML girl, you're on the righttrack ;-]. So, if any woman reads #14, DO NOT go ahead and google some unsubstantiated hippy chart, because you might just wind up with your very own "fml."

whoop_whoop3 0

as much as i hate to agree with #14, #115 you are wrong.. a woman can really only get pregnant in about a four day window, during, as #14 said, ovulation.. but #14, all women are not perfect like you and do not have regular cycles, therefore, unless a woman wants to leave pregnancy up to chance, all necessary precautions should be taken.. and i surely do not assume you would not advise your daughter to use this form of "birth control"

Emyrs 0

I can introduce you to me! i'm 28, i have a job and i havent been in a relationship(ie no sex) for several years because ive been focusing on my career.

furbuggy 0

according to published material by BYU, 13 of the 28 days you are fertile (2 of which only have small chances) and sperm can live for up to 3-5 days within the female body. so if you add on 3 days on either end of the 13 (since two of the days are unlikely, we'll use the lower end of the sperm life-span) you have 19/28 days where you can get pregnant. Factor in the period, and you don't have many days of "free sex" as #14 so nicely put it.

You should speak to your mother, before she find out some other crazy idea (like take you to some doctor). The other ideas (about getting pregnant) are LOL. A new ovulated oocyte is fertile for a day. If it is got older, it can be fertile, but the chance of the DNA getting damaged is high and if it got fertilized usually miscarry happens.. Sperms can live 2 days in a woman. So if you don't know the beginning of your period, you have 10% chance in a random time... The 13 day is not real. In your period the 13th-16th day is when the ovulation happens, usually it is the better chance for getting pregnant.. But not always, because some (lots of) women have problems with their period. It doesn't mean that they are fertile for 13-19 day, they just simply don't ovulate on the 13th... Instead they regulary ovulate on an other day (like 11th, or 19th), or they don't have a proper 28-day-long period. Their hormon system can be inbalanced, and they can have period with random lenght. You have to know yourself, your illness, or uniqueness to avoid things you don't want to happen - like getting pregnant or getting STI. Condom is better, because the partner can give you some not really nice infections.. The man can tell you that he would pull out, the woman can tell you that she took her pills, you can't check it before it's too late... but you can see if you use condom.

Waytooshitty 0

Just tell her. It'll makes things easier for you.

I could help you out with that problem.

resolami 0

haha, a year. I'm a 20 year old male and I haven't had sex in 3. I'm not ugly, fat, or a jerk. Apparently whoever said "everyone gets laid in college" didn't have social anxiety disorder.

Really? My parents would be happy if I hadn't had anyone in a year. Even my wife.

ambrz 0

why would she care of your NOT sleeping around?