Missing the point 101

By Anonymous - 02/10/2019 00:02

Today, I told my mom I lost 30 pounds because of an eating disorder. She told me to keep up the good work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 822
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders. I can’t believe your mother is so ignorant. I really hope you get the help you need.

It really, really irritates me when people act like that. They treat any kind of weight loss like nothing but a positive, no matter what the cause. You need to do what's best for you.


It really, really irritates me when people act like that. They treat any kind of weight loss like nothing but a positive, no matter what the cause. You need to do what's best for you.

EmDizzle2007 28

your mom should have been concern with your eating disorder and took you to get checked by the clinic

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders. I can’t believe your mother is so ignorant. I really hope you get the help you need.

I wonder if you went from 110 lbs to 80, or from 350 to 320. If it's the latter, anorexia is cheaper than Weight Watchers.

It doesn't matter what their weight is. Having an eating disorder is serious at any weight. It's not something to joke about. People die from eating disorders.

You seem like a very serious person. I am not. This site is a safe space for jokes, so I don't need your mega-aggression. Yes, I know eating disorders are serious diseases, but you should know that comedians address difficult topics.

You are a brave man for that epic joke, and I respect you sir

There was nothing funny or clever about what you said or the way you said it, though.

Yes, anorexia being cheaper than Weight Watchers is funny. Unless you have a stick up your ass.

Message me if you need any support. I’ve been in recovery/been dealing with an eating disorder for 8 years. Maybe I can offer some help or guidance!

TooGassyForAnal 9

God, I really feel this on a much too personal level. I lost 30 lbs due to an eating disorder that nobody really knows about snd my grandma keeps saying how I need to keep it up. Please don't listen to her and try to seek recovery. Eating disorders have a much higher mortality rate than other mental disorders

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

if you didn't tell your mum what an eating disorder is then YDI I was anorexic and everyone said it's coz i don't enough, my family said just eat more but i have a high metabolism and a yr later the doctors made a referral to see a nutritionist they just gave me shakes. I'm normal weight now but still get the 'eat more' lecture but the weird thing is no doctors/nutritionists mentioned an eating disorder so I'm still not sure what it is exactly or if i had it