By beaten - 13/09/2009 06:17 - United States

Today, my Marine friend got back from his tour of duty overseas. We went out for drinks to celebrate his return. His own form of celebration was to pick a fight with a returning Navy SEAL and his friends. We lost. Badly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 352
You deserved it 14 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AmpulexCompressa 0

Navy SEALS are like grim reapers in training. Why would you fight them.

sakurachan04 0

That sucks, but... You DEFINITELY deserved that. You don't pick fights with a Navy SEAL unless you want to nearly die or actually die... Tell your Marine friend to grow a brain before he thinks of picking another fight.


jw90 18

Seriously shouldn't marines be better trained in combat than the navy?...Wait I know what happened. While he was busy saving your ass someone snuck up behind him and knocked him out with a pool stick. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Jefe_fml 0

Marines is a branch of the Navy....

look up the Navy SEALs, they're special warfare... A better fighting force doesn't exist in the world. They are NOT to be confused with the rest of the Navy, who, while may be extremely good at what they do, fight with their minds and technology rather than physically.

lmmmr 0

Umm. Was that supposed to be insulting? Modern warfare is mental and technological, not physical. Soldiers carry guns and GPS devices, not swords and compasses. You just made the Navy sound like the only civilized force in the military.

Actually the truth is that Navy SEAL's are highly trained spec ops. Their training is so rigorous that I believe more than 50% drop out during the first week of training. and yes you cannot just go to your local recruiting office and say, " I want to join the Navy SEAL's, you have to get transferred over there. Now the Marines are highly trained. But they are also the smallest U.S armed forces group. Interesting fact though, despite the USMC being the smallest U.S armed forces group, they actually outnumber the whole British Army. Anyway, what they lack in size they make up in skills.They are the ones that head into villages and clear them out so the Army's tanks do not get blown up. P.S., to all you people who say the USMC is worthless, Let's see the U.S Military win a war without them.

dspadres 0

You deserve it for trying to **** with a SEAL. Marine or not, he's just infantry going toe to toe with a dude with special forces training.

spyderman2190 0

Marines are always so cocky, Im in the army and all I hear is crap from the marines, we all serve our country therefore we all deserve respect. Marines need to get over theirselves. GO ARMY Hooah!

thefury 0

it figures a Marine and a SEAL, I'm in the Air Force, Security Forces, and I rather dislike Marines, and SEALs never have a problem with them, but ops friend is stupid for pissing one off

im in the air force, i havent even shipped for basic yet and i get shit from almost every marine i meet. just cause i scored higher on the asvab than them and decided to do something smarter with my life haha.

If you haven't gone to basic training, you're NOT 'in' the Air Force yet. No wonder they're giving you shit.

I don't know why there's so much hoopla. Marines are as common now as army infantry. Maybe in WW2 or the korean war, Marines were a high-bred unit. Navy SEALS seem to carry the pride of special unit. But that's just me, a non-military type from the outside looking in. I know a flame will ensue, but I'm just starting an opinion, not fact, so whoever it will be don't get your panties in a twist. But the beat down I presume would be because there was more of them then the OP and his friends. "Him and his marine friend" would imply a crew of 2 for the OP, and "Navy SEALS and his friends" would imply more then 2 for the SEAL. Even if the marine had really good combat training and was holding his own against 2 guys, 1 being a SEAL even, a third guy getting in a sucker punch across the jaw would definitely drop the marine, if not for good enough that all the guys beating on him would get the upper hand.

lmmmr 0

Hey, how about acting your age? It makes me worry that such immature and ignorant douche bags are responsible for the nation's security. God help us.

YDI for celebrating by punching a seal. Lucky you didn't decide to fight a shark or something.

the fury, where are you stationed? i'm SF too. USAF :D

Understandable. 1 Marine vs many Seals. Not a fair fight. Marines and Seals are pretty much equal.

Do you not understand navy seals are special forces and marines are pretty much the same as army infantry?

chowyuk 0

How can you say a Marine is the same as army infantry? Marines is a branch army infantry is an ocupation. So a Marine admin personnal is the same as army infantry wow not much faith in your soldiers

When someone says Marine and Army Infantry they're saying "Grunt". There is a difference but they're saying Grunt...