Extreme late fees

By Martin - 08/09/2020 23:01 - Switzerland

Today, I had an appointment to pull some wisdom teeth. I wrote the wrong time in my calendar. Showed up an hour late and they didn't pull the one tooth that actually hurts. Now I've got the pay for the time I was late, plus wait until November to pull the rest. I waited 5 months for this appointment due to the coronavirus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 767
You deserved it 1 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Late or not, they should have had records of which tooth to pull. If they did and still pulled the wrong one, pretty sure you shouldn't have to pay for it.

They didn’t call you the day/week before to confirm? Find a new dentist. Even my shitty one did that.


Way to go, Einstein! (He was a patent clerk in Bern.) You should probably keep those teeth since it doesn't look like you have much wisdom to spare.

Late or not, they should have had records of which tooth to pull. If they did and still pulled the wrong one, pretty sure you shouldn't have to pay for it.

He had several teeth to pull. They probably didn’t have time to pull all of them because of him being late. It’s just bad luck that the one that was really hurting him wasn’t pulled that day.

They didn’t call you the day/week before to confirm? Find a new dentist. Even my shitty one did that.

who says this one didn't? The dentist I work for has notification about appointments sent out through SMS, and you would be surprised about how many people still do not bother to come, or at least notify us they won't be coming. Not to mention, at least here in Czech people are always complaining about the lack of dentists or how far the appointment times are - if you want to have your teeth in order, it's YOUR job to remember the times for your appointments.

Months of delay, shit happens. I asked if they didn’t, and the statement after was purely for if they didn’t.

coius 23

Need to take better care of your teeth. No one should need that many pulled unless they dont bother to even do minimal maintenance. Shouldve had wisdom teeth pulled before they got impacted

tounces7 27

Pretty much all those places have reminders several days beforehand through texts or phone calls.

Mathalamus 24

Five months and you were late. Wow.