By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 09:40 - Canada

Today, I procrastinated on doing my on-line training for my new job. Thinking it would only take a few hours to complete, I started it in the early evening. It is now almost 4 am, and I start my new job in 3 hours. There is still about another hour and a half on on-line training left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 726
You deserved it 53 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, think about it this way. It's 4am, you start work at 7am. You'll be done the training at approximately 530am. That still gives you an hour to get ready and a half hour for you to get there. Perfect timing!


IAmTheFatman666 0
kinukle 0

DUMBASS. the only on line training that would take an hour is f***ing mcdonalds.

I did something like this years ago. Then later that day after my shift was over, another employee told me that the manager thought that I was high as a kite because I so delirious from exhaustion. Meanwhile, I've never had a drug in my life.

FYL, OP you didn't know. Sue whoever made you do that bunch of crap.

zerobahamut03 2

i can only imagine how you're gonna look at work. a high zombie haha.

procrastination is the mother of all missed opp

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

ydi. as soon as I rea procrastinated I hit ydi.

tweetbaby14 18

28, that's terrible advice. why would you tell OP to sue someone because they chose to put off doing something for their job? wow some people are sue-crazy... OP, YDI for deciding to put off something as important as that.

christa953 12

gtfo fml and work on it, buddy!

yomomasmoma 0
Kylias 6

That's when you go to sleep and tell your boss in the morning, "Sorry, I didn't get home until a few hours ago, I didn't get the chance to finish... Mom didn't want to be alone in the hospital."

tweetbaby14 18

90 why would you lie about something like that?

ydi. it's good your job is training you this much. sounds like you need it.

I stopped reading after procastinated. Why? I don't know.

At least the training will be fresh on his mind!

OP, think about it this way. It's 4am, you start work at 7am. You'll be done the training at approximately 530am. That still gives you an hour to get ready and a half hour for you to get there. Perfect timing!

Sleep is for sissies and communists! Grow some stones and show up to work with morning wood bigger than your arm! I can guarentee, male or female, your boss will hire you and forgive your procrastination IF he/she finds out.

yummycupcakegirl 0
TheOriginalKyrs 0

YDI, although I would've done similar. I HATE ANTIFLOOD.

perdix 29

So, with your limited time, you are pissing it away on FML (which, at other times, is a fine and valuable investment of one's time ;) ) I don't see a lot of "Employee of the Month" awards coming your way. In fact, you may be unemployed by lunchtime for falling asleep on the job during your first hour there.

mattdood 0

haha, good luck at the new job. chances are with all the cramming u just did u won't remember much :)