By iDontLikeMySiblingsThatMuch - 12/08/2018 20:30

Today, my husband of 10 years decided only after I told him I wanted a divorce that his niece is also his daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 023
You deserved it 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now you have a proper reason to divorce him!

bl3ur0z3 17

He decided his neice was his daughter? That's not something you decide. Do you mean he decided to tell you? Great. You were leaving him anyway, now you know not to go back.


Now you have a proper reason to divorce him!

What makes you assume she didn't have one in the first place?

You might have to pay child support for her. Haha!

Why? It’s not like it’s OP’s biological daughter and it wasn’t even openly known to be either one of theirs until now.

Emma Marshall 19

Why would she have to pay anything.... its not her daughter.

She might get stuck with some of his liabilities. Divorce law is not always fair.

You want to leave him anyway, so what’s the issue?

Your husband cheated on you with his sister and they produced a child. Not only is that disgusting, it's illegal. Run, run, run!!! It's not your business what happens to the child as some people are suggesting, you have no reason to worry about child support. You should still get a lawyer!

bl3ur0z3 17

Ummmm, more likely it's his brother's wife. If he fathered a child with his sister, it would still be his niece. Then it would say "his niece is also his daughter" making the girl both his niece and his daughter.

bl3ur0z3 17

Wait, I reread that. It did say also. That's gross.

I thought the same thing, but looking at OP's username-I don't think the child is with his sister-in-law. Could be wrong though.

lestatsbride87 3

produced said child with HER sister not his own sister from the looks of her username

Mungolikecandy 19

Is this his sister-in-law's daughter or his sister's daughter? Important details.

Judging by her username, he had sex with HIS sister, not hers

I disagree. While I see how you came to tharlt conclusion. I believe t by r username means she doesnt like her sibling because she not only slept with op's husband but also had a kid with him.

There's need for a follow-up who's kid is it ,your sister or his brother's wife or his sister ya should have clarified 🤔

bl3ur0z3 17

He decided his neice was his daughter? That's not something you decide. Do you mean he decided to tell you? Great. You were leaving him anyway, now you know not to go back.

PenguinPal3017 19
Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Incest, something the whole family can participate in!

Not always. There's always some stuck up cousin or sibling who thinks they're "not hillbilly enough" to join in. Or so I've heard.

Does the niece/daughter know? Does the niece/daughter's not-biological father know? (Assuming there was one. These days alternatives are not uncommon or a bad thing among civilized folk).