By lola1313 - 18/09/2013 02:17 - United States - Downers Grove

Today, I forgot my blind date's name 3 times during our conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 543
You deserved it 41 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kallian_fml 21

You think that's bad? I can't properly pronounce the name of my partner of three years, so I never say it. I think he's starting to realize...

dreamweeper370 10

I would have left the date after the second incident unless you played it off super cool.


Don't worry happens to everyone. See must have been a stunner

Pwn17 25

No it doesn't. And what the hell do you mean by "stunner"?

Pwn17 25

I know that, but that doesn't make sense in this context. I'm guessing 1 meant stumper, now that I think about it.

#21, it does make sense. So stunning that you forget the persons name.

Pwn17 25

I guess that makes sense. Though in my case, when I find someone attractive, I can't forget their name.

Sometimes I forget people's names, it happens. But usually if it's a good looking girl, I don't forget.

I'm not talking about the person she was with, but the date itself. Went straight over your head didnt it?

Pwn17 25

I just misunderstood and tried to make a simple correction. Sorry for trying to be nice.

This isn't your day I suggest you stop commenting and stay low for a while...

dreamweeper370 10

I would have left the date after the second incident unless you played it off super cool.

Kallian_fml 21

You think that's bad? I can't properly pronounce the name of my partner of three years, so I never say it. I think he's starting to realize...

How have you gone on 3 years without your partner noticing you can't say his name properly? I'm guessing you use more pet names than anyone else LOL.

KrazyKatz3 26

I've dated people who said my name wrong an people who's names I couldn't say right (foreign) they didn't really mind.

castleofg1ass 19

Just refer to him as 'bro' 'man' 'dude' And when u get his number make him put his name in the contact page

The guy will realize that the date has forgotten his name if he's asked to save his name and number in his date's phone. OP should have admitted to her date, right away, that his name slipped her mind. OP could have made a joke that he was such a good charmer, she forgot his name (or something silly like that).

Tigerblossom 19

I wouldn't suggest saying bro or man. That's not something a girl should really say at a date.

Nurd4lyfe 7

I don't see a second date in your future.

Just say: 'what's your name again?' And he'll be offended, but answer, and then you laugh and say: 'no silly, I meant your last name!' Or ask how to spell his name, you'll be ****** if it's something easy as Bob, but it's worth a try!

CharresBarkrey 15

Wasn't that an old FML? A girl on a blind date forgot his name, asked him how to spell it and it ended up being Bob. Edit. Yep, just found it. A girl was entering a guy's number in her phone and forgot his name.

KrazyKatz3 26

No no. Then you say: B-o-b. Interesting. I met a Bob last week spelt it: Bobb. Or something similar.

talkomatic713 13

How do we know OP was a girl? I thought so at first, then I remembered the song Lola by the Kinks...

Dodge4x4Ram 46

trade driver license with humor to see who has a embracing picture

While we're all giving advice to eachother - brooke, no one would complain if you uploaded a higher quality version of your profile pic. Have a nice day.

I never realised you could have people hugging on your licence...

bestbelieve 9

weed got you for short term memory? ;P