By ch - 04/03/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, my grandmother patched up my $300, vintage, limited edition, designer jeans because she thought I'd accidentally ripped them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 301
You deserved it 90 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well thats what you get for buying $300 jeans.

Maybe now you can reflect on how absurd it is to spend $300 on Jeans that are ripped, simply because they are "trendy"...


Wow the people on this comment list are either cheap, styleless, corny, broke or all of the above. sombeody actually said "Heard of walmart" WHAT! u buy ur jeans at Walmart. U people are Wack.. i feel ya pain homie if my True religions got destroyed id be peeved.. however i guesing this is made up...

Chocolate_Chunk 2

You know, there are actually people out there who are not shallow nor spoiled like you. I know it's a shock.

Thank your Grandma. You're going to look better now.

alex_vik 0

#71 - Sorry "homie", but not everyone is "ill" and spends more money on their clothes than they do their car. I'll have you know that I buy all my jeans for $20-$40, and I'm not cheap, styleless, corny, or broke. It's called using your money like an intelligent person and buying better things actually worth that money.

JohnnyValdez 0

lolwut Seriously. I could buy a kidney for $300.

Maybe you pro-'off the shelf $300 ripped jeans' folk will wake up when you see it from my perspective: "You paid $300 for damaged goods?".

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npk88 0

Your grandma was just trying to be nice and the big "fml" for you should be realizing how stupid it is to spend $300 on RIPPED JEANS! You should tell your grandma THANK YOU for this life lesson that you really had coming!

You people just go ON AND ON about "finding better stuff to spend your money on", then use examples like, what? A car? I don't have a car, I don't need one, I use public transport. An iPhone? My $80 phone does everything it's supposed to do. A guitar? You can really do without that. You guys think you're so much better because you don't spend $300 on a pair of jeans, but until you're just spending your money to buy only the really necessary means, just to survive, and give everything else away to charity, you have NO right to talk. Just get off your high horse and let everyone spend their money the way they want to.

People really should lay off the OP. While I do agree that $300 is a bit extravagant, to each his own. Who knows if there were any special circumstances to buying these jeans or if there was any sentimental values attributed - and even if there isn't any "justification", getting something ruined is sucky nevertheless. OP, try not to be too mad/upset at your grandma for too long. She meant no harm :) (But I sympathize.)

debbtennis 0

WOw Walmart? wth? cmon their are extremes from walmart to 300$ dollar jeans. jeez. better choose something in between!