By Turbo - 17/06/2019 02:23

Today, as a truck driver, I was flipped off, cursed at, told to go to hell and several other obscenities because I was a half-hour EARLY to my delivery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 943
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91gb 15

Who said anything about this person expecting praise? I work in logistics and if a driver turns up early, we load them ahead of schedule if we're able to. If not, we make them wait until their time. It's no biggie.

I work at a furniture store. If our guys show up early they get cussed at. If they show up on time the customer tells them they’ve been waiting for hours. If they show up a little late they get cussed at. Sometimes you just can’t win no matter what you do.


manb91gb 15

Yes, you came thirty minutes early and reminded him if his sexual inadequacy. How dare you!

Trucks turning up early can be a hassle as they are not on schedule. This may cause problems for the receiver as they are still dealing with trucks already on site. Try turning up on time and there should be no issue. The client told you a specific time for a reason and you ignore that fact and expect praise.

manb91gb 15

Who said anything about this person expecting praise? I work in logistics and if a driver turns up early, we load them ahead of schedule if we're able to. If not, we make them wait until their time. It's no biggie.

The warehouse I work at you get a fifteen minute window. if you are not there on time, either way, you must reschedule. if schedule not followed it all turns to shut. Guess it depends on how big the operation is as to how lenient you can be.

Yep. It can be a bit stressful when the delivery arrives early ("Crap, I'm not ready for you yet!"). But that's my problem; I'm not going to give the driver grief just because he didn't hit any red lights and made good time.

I don't think the driver deserved to be abused, it just seemed to me he was missing the point. There had been a time given for delivery and he was 30 min outside this time which may have been a problem. If they needed to wait they should have been told with courtesy and respect.

toodamntall 9

It's not as simple as just showing up on time though. Truckies have to deal with traffic, as well as their own schedules. Sometimes showing up early is going to happen.

So if you ordered a pizza and you specifically asked for it to be delivered at 8 and the driver turned up with it at 7.30 that would. be all cool?

I work at a furniture store. If our guys show up early they get cussed at. If they show up on time the customer tells them they’ve been waiting for hours. If they show up a little late they get cussed at. Sometimes you just can’t win no matter what you do.

Kristoffer 35

It's pretty much industry standard to arrive an hour early, if not more, so this kind of behavior can't be explained by the op being too early. But I'm sure what was the reason given anyway.

How dare you? Be an hour late like a normal delivery driver!