Family heirloom

By Anonymous - 27/01/2021 02:01

Today, I got the dress I gave to a tailor to replace a broken zipper back. When I tried it on, I discovered that they’d cut at least 4 inches of fabric, and being skinny, there’s no way I can ever fit into it. It’s from the 1950’s, inherited from my late grandma, who in turn inherited it from her aunt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 204
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take it to a more reputable seamstress and have it converted to a corset back or have a new panel put in. not ideal, but an altered heirloom is better than no heirloom at all. and make the tailor pay for it

so why didn't you bring the dress back and ask them why they altered it without your permission tell them to repair the dress or replace it or they can see you in court


so why didn't you bring the dress back and ask them why they altered it without your permission tell them to repair the dress or replace it or they can see you in court

flagbitch 8

Asking them to repair it and them actually doing the repairs are two different things. Just like you can sue and win the settlement, but that doesn't mean you'll ever actually get any money.

take it to a more reputable seamstress and have it converted to a corset back or have a new panel put in. not ideal, but an altered heirloom is better than no heirloom at all. and make the tailor pay for it

Quit living in the past, man! Just get something from Zara, wear it once and feed it to a sea turtle.

DoctorPALO 14

What does being skinny have to do with anything? You think anyone if any size wouldn't have the same issue?

Gabbz737 12

i think what she means is it's so small that even her skinny ass can't fit in it. probably suggesting nobody could be skinny enough to wear it.

flagbitch 8

Yes, this answer, or that's she's so skinny that it's not possible to lose more weight to fit into it.