Mopping mad

By samdog37 - 01/12/2020 14:06

Today, my brand-obsessed sister bought $200 shorts. She was cutting the tag off of them in the kitchen and left them on the counter. I went into the kitchen, poured me some coke, and spilled it all over the counter. I thought the shorts were a rag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 851
You deserved it 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cheapskate! If she spent $500, she could have bought shorts that resembled a puddle of cat vomit. I don't understand fashion.

xxlk4xx 6

should be fine if you wash them right away!


xxlk4xx 6

should be fine if you wash them right away!

Cheapskate! If she spent $500, she could have bought shorts that resembled a puddle of cat vomit. I don't understand fashion.

tounces7 27

As dumb as fashion trends are these days that might have made them worth more.

Sady_Ct 37

She left them on a kitchen counter, something was bound to be spilt on them.

while you should have double checked... that is a very bad spot for clothing to sit unattended. FTL but would suck to hear about afterwords for you...

jfigley 5

So does she buy these over-priced clothes with her own money or does mommy and daddy pay for them???