By Anonymous - 07/04/2015 00:44 - United States

Today, my grandma is refusing to talk to me because I didn't answer her phone calls while we were at a parade. I was in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 881
You deserved it 2 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that she called the wrong number, she'll believe you

If she's anything like my grandma, give her a few minutes, she'll forget why she was mad. And possibly forget who you are.


You could have used blue tooth. It would have matched her care colour.

Typo Should have read hair colour Blue tooth Elderly blue rinse

If she's anything like my grandma, give her a few minutes, she'll forget why she was mad. And possibly forget who you are.

Same, sadly. And probably keep asking you the same questions again and again...

guess she won't be making you food any time soon

A07 48

Sorry OP but you should just say sorry and move on.

Tell her that she called the wrong number, she'll believe you

She's not an idiot. My guess is she was calling from a cellphone to the OP's cellphone and could easily look in her recent calls. And may have heard OP's voicemail pick up.

Tell her you were hungry and your phone was dead. She will forgive you and make you a huge meal!:)

aww that's so sweet to be honest. . she loves you and im sure will forgive you soon.

i'm not sure i would do, maybe apologize and tell her to understand that you definitely would have answered her call if you weren't busy making her proud during the parade