By Chris - 01/01/2011 05:06 - United States

Today, I was in the elevator with my female coworker and a very attractive teen in front of us. My coworker reached out and grabbed the boobs of the teen in front of us, and blamed it on me. I got yelled at, kneed in the crotch, and punched in the face. My coworker couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 521
You deserved it 3 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knee her in the ****** and falcon punch her face then

FYLDeep 25

You're gonna have to Chris Brown that bitch.


fakeaccountX 6

Sounds like both of them need to be thrown down the elevator shaft.

that's sexual harrassment, and she can sue you, and make a citzens arrest.

Salaminizer 0

Citizen's arrest is a myth. Besides, what kind of self-respecting criminal (or otherwise) would actually adhere to it? "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!" "Oh darn, ya got me." *lays facedown on the floor* Just like that.

but u Gota respect my authority as a citizen

grab her **** and say it was a retarded kid

Damn I think that lesbian wanted some action

OP did not touch her and thus cannot be sued

Unfortunately, 48, that's exactly what I would do if some random dude grabbed my boobs. Or if it seemed like he had. A week ago some random guy started whacking me with a balloon sword, and I chased him down the Hollywood Boulevard, cursing. It's a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing. I do agree that the coworker is a bitch, although she's freaking awesome for that.

Lichinamo 33

125, heat of the moment doesn't exist for everyone. The same person grabbed my boobs twice in a five-minute period and held on and all I did was shout at him to stop because I was too terrified to do anything.

how did the alleged boob grabbing take place? I've only ever seen boobs on the front of a person... how didn't the teen see your co-worker... I call bluff

Nikki_ASW 0
FMLephant 2

A black eye and bruised balls. Perfect end to 2010.

mmmkayyy 6

It's 2011 Oh wait, **** I'M A STUPID SHIT... -_-

It was on the first of janurary calm down.

FYLDeep 25

You're gonna have to Chris Brown that bitch.

BlahLand 0

lol me too 7 and wtf lmaoooooooooo if u dont get it then u should watch tmz more ahah

X_o_X_ocutie 0

He should be grabbing her boobs anyway, what're you, gay OP?

missawesome16 0

she's a teen he would get arrested 4sexual harassment Wat hat should have been doing was touching his co-workers boobs btw ops a ******* perv I mean he's ******* hitting on a teen

dog_in_yard 0

#80: I believe you're mistaken. OP had nothing to do with it. It was the co-worker who grabbed the teenager's boobs. Re-read the FML carefully.

xFalzz 0

Ikr grabbing a stranger's boobs is totally professional...