By DumbLackofLuck - 22/12/2009 21:54 - United States

Today, I waited until the last minute to do my Christmas shopping. Today, I also discovered that my bank account has been frozen due to suspicious activity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 833
You deserved it 8 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The EXACT same thing happened to me. But I have very few gifts left to buy, and my bank (Scotiabank) is awesome and will unfreeze my account and give me a new card and PIN right on the spot.

txgirl09 5

waiting until the last minute is a lame move but we've all done that before.


txgirl09 5

waiting until the last minute is a lame move but we've all done that before.

Buy everyone a gift card the day after black Friday. You can be totally relaxed for the holidays.

Shouldve bought the Christmas presents before the 10 lbs of heroin.

Dude, the heroin comes first.... Christmas cant be spelled without H

Fine. He still needs to cover his tracks.

turtlellama 0

But that takes out "Christ", which is the reason we celebrate, even though Jesus was born in March.

then what the hell is the point of christmas? didnt they say jesus was born in december?

I think they kinda guessed his birth in December but modern science has been able to pinpoint it to March. I could be wrong though.

It's in December because they didn't want to change the Pagean holiday TOO much so that they'd be easier to convert! Isn't religion (and the associated misinformation) grand?

The EXACT same thing happened to me. But I have very few gifts left to buy, and my bank (Scotiabank) is awesome and will unfreeze my account and give me a new card and PIN right on the spot.

That sucks! I've done that before, just call them your bank to straighten it out. Be prepared to have all your personal information with you before talking to them.

that sucks.... i did my christmas shopping today and im done so haha :D

at least they care enough to keep track of your account incase someone HAD stolen your card ... would be the worst at xmas!

hahah that sucks.. reminds me to start shopping

" ... She bought duct tape, rope, narcotics, a hotel reservation, a shovel, and a book on how to commit the perfect crime...."

Haha this happened to my dad as well. He rarely uses the particular credit card that he purchased everything with, and the next morning, the bank called at like 7:45 am to report suspicious activity and required that he confirm all the receipts. Sucks, but I'm glad the bank does their job!